The Wee Kiwis cooking for kids, with easy recipes for children
Cooking for Kids

  When you are ready to begin:
  • Roll up sleeves and tuck in shirttails. Droopy sleeves and flying shirttails can be dunked in food or catch on fire.
  • Wash hands with hot, soapy water and dry well.
  • Read through the recipe before getting out ingredients and equipment.
  When you are working in the kitchen:
  • Keep wet hands away from electrical outlets and connections so you don't get a shock.
  • Keep cabinet doors and drawers shut, so you don't bump into them.
  • Always use dry, sturdy potholders, so you don't get burned.
  After you are through cooking, you should always:
  • Check to be sure all controls for the stovetop and oven are turned OFF.
  • Clean counters, chopping boards and sink.
  • Wipe appliance surfaces, making sure cooktop is cool before it is touched. Do not touch surface units or burners.
  • Place all trash in appropriate containers.
  • Put everything away.

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