Stasha's School Days~ | Fall
2007 Note from Stasha: (It seems like so long ago when we wrote this about school!
I'm in 9th grade now and Aubrey is a 7th grader and we both still love school.
It's so important to get a good education and keep learning. Even Gramma loves
to learn new things and she's kinda old!) |
you just love school? We do.... When
we were in New Zealand, I was in the 1st grade and Aubrey was in Kindergarten.
When I came back to Alaska I was in Kindergarten and Aubrey is in Pre-School!
In New Zealand, they believe children are ready to learn much earlier than here
in the USA. We tend to agree with New Zealand on this issue.
now in 2nd grade and I love school and I really do like homework! My studies include
language arts, math, world history & geography, American history & geography,
visual arts, music, and science. With all of our travels, geography is a piece
of cake! And reading is one of my favorites, too. We also have swimming lessons
every week because we are surrounded by water and it's important to know how to
Aubrey's School Days~ I'm
in Kindergarten and I love it! I have lots of friends at school and we have lots
of fun each day. We have lots to learn and we get to sing and play and color
and listen to stories... It's just the best. Learning is exciting and every day I learn
something new. I guess that means my life is pretty exciting! Lucky me!! We
even do silly things like have a special day that we can wear our most outrageous
hats. Isn't that fun?
and Tell" is another one of my favorite things. It's so much fun to see
what everyone has to share. I love my teachers and my school. We have swimming
at my school and Grampa takes us to the swimming pool too so Stasha and I can
practice. Grampa says I'm fearless... he's so funny. Want
to do some school lessons with us? Hop on the bus and away we'll go...